They are like two minute maggie noodles. I call them the 2 minute-builders. Well, actually they take a little more than 2 minutes to build a house. They take 8-10 mts to build a home. Yes, I timed them.
I also call them floating builders. They are men and women from far flung villages and little towns who have come to the city in search of work. And they invariably land up at construction sites. Sometimes you will see entire families -husband, wife, children, father, mother et al working at these construction sites.
They usually stay in some vacant plot of land a few feet away from their work site.
These are men and women who spend large part of their lives building mansions for others. `Others' who have spent sleepless nights, toiling over, making money to build that mansion and then spend some more sleepless nights to get the various sanctions to build that mansion.
Ask anyone and they will tell you it is not easy to build a house.
But ask these two-minute-floating builders and they will say nothing -they will just smile.
For they build their homes with bamboo sticks and blue tarpaulin sheets and various other plastic sheets in under 10 minutes.
And then the entire family moves in. They stay in that home for the duration of their work and then they move to the next construction site with their families, bamboo sticks and plastic sheets -to build their next home.
And under this 10-minute home they build families, they fight, they laugh, they make love, have babies, babies grow into adults and adults grow into old men and women. In this 10-mt home they are happy, sad, frustrated, angry, hopeful and smiling. They are just like the rest of us in our big and small mansions.
It looks like you can be happy and sad in a 10 mt house as much as in a 10-year-10-crore house.
The only difference being these people get to carry their homes wherever they go.
If you want it, life can actually be simple you know!
However, I am like the rest of the world -i like my life complicated with its shower and an extra bedroom and wooden flooring....:)
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