Nowadays we have regular power cuts in Bangalore. Last night was no different.
However, these days I don't blow a fuse when there is no electricity. I have learnt to keep myself busy during the `dark' hours. I love shooting pics in candlelight. Those long exposures give some amazing results.
But it is only yesterday that I also noticed another advantage of the power crisis. Mom and I talk. Not that we don't talk at other times. But talking in the dark (or say with just a candle around) is different.
Usually the evenings are spent with me working in my study and mom watching her weepy Asianet soaps. By the time she is ready to go to bed I am neck deep in work and I know she feels guilty about disturbing me. So the day ends with much love but very little by way of conversation and spending quality time together.
These power cuts have helped rectify that situation. I am forcibly taken away from my computer and study and there are no weepy serials to keep mom company. We still go about doing things in the candlelight, but somehow those are things that bring us together.
We usually end up in the kitchen with mom cooking dinner, as she is in this image, and I plonk myself next to her with my camera on a tripod trying to click long-exposure pics. And she tells me about her day, the neighbors and yeah the horrible villains in her favourite television serial. I tell her about my day, the pics that I took, and why she should stay still during a long-exposure...and she retorts: If I remain still for too long you will have to eat charred dosas. You decide what you want -burnt dosas or perfect photos....
Mundane conversations it might be. But extremely necessary....:)
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