When I first began taking photographs the moment an image caught my attention I would pull out my camera and shoot.
I wasn't bothered too much about the technicalities of it. I didn't stop to think whether I had the right lens or the right camera (i had a point and shoot) to capture the image or whether I was at the right distance to capture it.
I would just shoot because I wanted to. Taking photos made me happy.
I guess I would be drawn to an image in the first place either because the light was so magical or the emotional appeal of the image was too strong or because the image was so captivating at various levels. But all this happened at a subconscious level.
I never gave it much thought. My brain wasn't involved in the process of taking pictures in those initial years. It was just my gut!
The results were wonderful to say the least.
As I grew as a photographer so did my technical knowledge AND worries. Now when an image unfolded before me I began to think about whether I had the right lens to shoot it or the right gear or whether the light was perfect, or whether all the compositional elements in place etc...I still got good images, but I was missing out on many more. By the time I made a decision the moment would've passed.
This image put me back on track - i think.
As I was rushing out on an errand (minus my camera) I realized that the elevator was not working in my apartment. So I had to take the stairs. That's when I came across this image. There is a supposed lake, but now a swamp on one side of my apartment building. It is a beautiful place where we gets lots of birds. In the middle is this tree with a lot of character and on many birds perched on it. It is a sight to behold!
I have seen this picture many times in the recent past - but I would always let it pass because I told my self my 300mm wasn't enough to get me a clear picture. And I would be sad that I didn't have the right gear.
This time around as I stopped for a minute to take in the image something in me snapped.
I thought, what the heck, those initial days when I didn't know a thing about the technicalities of taking a picture or about photographic gear all I was bothered was taking pictures. AND I WOULD'VE JUST GONE AHEAD AND TAKEN THIS PICTURE EVEN WITH MY POINT AND SHOOT.
I turned around, ran back into the house, grabbed my camera and went out and clicked this pic with my limited 300mm.
Well, the pic might not make it to even one of our local photographic magazines but who cares, ten years down the line, when I look at this image I would be reminded of that glorious 5 mts of beautiful nature.
This image will be important because it took me back to my photographic-roots -the beginning!
It's nice visit the roots every now and then to remember what is important.
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