It’s been a family tradition for as long as I can remember.
On the morning of the New Year, after her puja, mom would give me hundred and one rupees –and that’s how I would begin my New Year.
Twice a year this tradition would be followed in my house. Once on Vishu, the Malayali New Year ’s Day and on January 1st.
When I was younger the day would start with prasadam from the temple along with my mom’s Rs.101.
More than a decade ago I traded my Prasadam for a hot cup of coffee.
So, on January 1st, I begin my day with a cup of coffee and Rs.101 from my mom. Though I have been complaining about the amount not keeping in tune with inflation, I always looked forward to the hundred rupee note and a single one rupee coin.
Though I enjoyed this tradition immensely I never paid much attention to it.It’s only recently that this tradition has gained significance in my life.
For one it helps me to create and preserve beautiful memories of my family.
I have also realized that that single hundred rupee note contains immense blessings and wishes –something only a parent can give a child. Untainted, pure, positive energy.
Above all in our world we do find it difficult to express our feelings towards others, I think that’s when traditions like this helps fill the gap.
My mother might not expressly say how much she loves me and wishes the world for me 24/7. Instead that notes says it for her.
I look at that note and I see a woman who for years have woken up at 3 am, had her bath, cooked a meal from scratch, lighted the lamp and went down on her knees seeking her God for all possible blessings for her child –and after an hour of negotiations and talks with her God- she would stand up on her creaking and painful knees, and remove that Rs.101 from her `God’s feet’ and would give it to me with a kiss, lots of love and only goodwill in her heart –something so pure that it can come only from a parent.
I might not believe in her approach or that the note has been blessed by her God personally. But I believe in HER belief and her love for me. And looking at that rupee note I feel that the coming year would be fantastic.
It might not be rational thinking. But I have begun to understand that traditions usually don’t appeal to the mind, it targets the heart!
And when it does, it feels good. And anything that feels that good can’t be wrong.
This image would be very special to me till the end because it is for the first time that I have captured my mom giving me Rs.101 -captured for posterity :)
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