After being holed up in my house for ten days I went out on a long drive with my camera for company.
I usually like to go out around the 2 pm, when the light is harsh. During this time, if you underexpose by a stop or two you get lovely blue skies.
And by the time I return, it would be evening and the light would be golden, ideal for taking some beautiful pictures
Fifteen minutes into my journey I noticed a really old man on an equally old bicycle.
I didn’t pay much attention to him other than thinking, “Oh so sad, that ride must be killing him. Wish he could travel more comfortably at his age.”
Ten minutes later, I was parked on the side of the road and taking some pictures of something on the sidewalk.
And from the corner of my eyes I could see the old man pedaling past me.
This funny little catch-me-if-you-can-game went on for about 30 mts. And that’s when it hit me – the old man has been cycling for a really long time and together we have traveled quite a distance.
As the city gave way to quieter roads and lesser people on the roads and more greenery on the sides I saw a change in the old man.
Contrary to my belief that he must be tired and ruing his miserable life for having to pedal to work/home on a hot sunny day, he seemed to be enjoying it.
It was as if he was recollecting his younger days on the cycle.
That’s when another truth hit me.
Until he’s physically unwell, in his mind the old man will always think of himself as young.
You see, age doesn’t bother the person who is aging. It only bothers others –in this case me (oh poor old man, he’s got to ride a bicycle at this age-thinking).
In his head, he must feel like that young boy that he was years ago, riding his bicycle, whistling, and going zigzag on the road (I think I did see him do a little zigzag in front of my car)…he must be feeling young and invincible with the wind in his hair – which by the way was fluffy white –I’m sure it was not that color in his mind.
I was reminded of what writer Kamala Das had mentioned about age: “I don’t feel old. Only others around me feel that I am old. In my mind I don’t age. I always see myself as a young girl.”
How true! As you are aging you don’t think of yourself as old or as an old person.
In your mind you are always in young and invincible. (in my case I think I will always be 19), young and invincible.
It is only the others around you notice your age. You are reminded of your aging because others remind you with their actions and comments.
That is the reason for some their age hits them smack on their faces when some young lad calls them “aunty” OR "uncle" –because in his/her head they don't see themselves as an “aunty” or an "uncle".
I followed the old man for close to an hour. And he still hadn’t reached his destination.
Finally I had to turn around and let him be on his way.
This image will always remind me of the young man on a bicycle who reiterated the old adage age is just a number and an image in your head!
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