I like this quirky picture immensely.
It appeals to me at many levels.
It reminds me of a sleepy little town in an old Western film, where there is an underlying current of danger or something waiting to happen; of strong childhood bonds and friendships; of lazy days spent dreaming big dreams; of tolerated todays because the dazzling tomorrows are just around the corner.
It's those three out-of-focus friends in the pic that triggered off memories of my own childhood friends.
It's so strange how you grow up with someone and you think of them as your kindred soul. There are no secrets between you and your best friends. Then life takes you on different paths. After many years when your paths cross again you realize that some of your best friends from childhood have become absolute strangers, while with some it's as if time has stood still and you take off from where you left off.
But the strangest of all is that you actually forge strong bonds with someone from your childhood whom you loathed or were never friends to begin with.
Human relations are so complex and such fun to unravel!
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