Day 99 comes to you 24 hrs late. Reason - I have had 100 little men, clad in iron-soled boots, tap dancing in my head all through the night.
When you have a migraine and all you can do is stay still in a dark room, just to stay alive -you smother the angel on the right shoulder and wake up the little man with horns on the left shoulder.
You become a bad mouthed sailor-just that you cannot open your mouth for your head hurts even when you breathe.
So there you lay like a breathing corpse counting the pin pricks in your head and hoping against hope that the next one wouldn't prick you.
Last night as I lay paralyzed in my bed I wondered if I were to describe what is going on in my head visually how would I do it? Obviously a scan wouldn't help for it wouldn't describe the zillion pin pricks accompanied by 100 feet tap dancing in my head. Then I remembered this image.
This morning once all the 100 men packed up and left only to return soon I hunted this image down. I had shot this sometime back (again DAY 99 is different in the sense that for the first time I am posting something that I hadn't taken in the last 24 hours).
The image is the closest visual representation of my ravaged head.
And to my surprise it looked beautiful to my eyes, nothing compared to what I was feeling last night.
Is this what they say there is pain in beauty? But I guess the beauty bit comes after the pain and not during. And if we can hold on, like the hero and the heroine held on to the iron pole in the climax scene for the famous movie Twister, then maybe you can see the beauty of it all...for it is always beautiful inside the eye of the storm or a twister OR once it is all over. There is something heartening in starting all over....just like this morning :)
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