This image evokes a feeling in me that has no name. It is a feeling that makes me think of the before and after of my time here. A feeling that is usually attached to fond memories of a different world to which one belongs to without an ounce of doubt.
It is a good feeling. Something that reminds me of a `good' promise that I made to myself eons ago but, now I am unable to remember what it was, other than that I did make a promise to do something. Is this life all about figuring out that promise and fulfilling it? I don't know.
It is a good feeling. A feeling that is usually attached to the thought, `ah well, when all this is over I will return and that place would be home' and you sigh! A beautiful sigh!
And then it is a good feeling in the sense that it reminds me: I made a choice to be here and I will also make the choice to return and so it is everyone. So, nothing and nobody is lost forever -the separations are always temporary. And THAT is a good feeling :)
Children know it. For their umbilical chord is still attached to from whence they come forth, hence the `godliness' and `innocence', which are usually attributed to them, are found in them in great abundance. Could be because they remember the `before' and `after' of this world easily than adults. And before the memory erased as they get sucked into the whirlpool of the world.
Must be it is that sense of joy or knowing in the eyes of this kid that attracts me to this image.
A simpler explanation would be - I am losing my marbles :)
I am fine with either :)
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