Thursday, March 4, 2010

DAY 92

This is a pic of my pet Ginju taken during playtime. Yes, we have our playtime. She does not play ball. She likes hide-and-seek instead. Basic ground rules -she hides and I seek. This was taken when she was hiding under a cot.

Now she is a BIG dog (she agrees with the big part but not the dog part, thanks to my mom, she thinks I am the dog).

Anyways, she is a huge dog, a ferocious dog. And she is not a friendly-with-strangers-and-anyone-outside-the-family dog. She is a well-trained girl and has not yet bitten anyone. But we all know that she will not spare anyone who walks into my mom's or my personal space without invitation and that includes even other family members.

And during some part of the day I have to play hide-and-seek with her. She would invariably squeeze her big frame in the small space under the cot and wait for me to find her. And when I do you should see the glee on her face (the pic was taken during the you-found-me-i-am-gleeful moment), almost laughing and then I get a thorough licking-of-the-face-treatment.

This is one of the most precious moments of my everyday life. No matter how difficult my day had been, at this precise moment I forget everything. And there is an unexplicable joy that fills my heart.

Like books, I think pets choose us and not the other way around. Every day I don't forget to thank Ginju for picking us. Well, I don't say it aloud. But when she comes for her hug in the morning, I think the thought and appreciate her presence in our lives. And I think at that moment she senses it and there is an over pouring of unadulterated love, which only animals can give us -especially out pet and especially dogs.

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