With each passing day I find the following to be true -
Every time you praise something, every time you appreciate something, every
time you feel good about something, you are telling the Universe, "More of
this, please. More of this, please." - Abraham
Initially I thought it was all a big hogwash. But then one should always give oneself a chance to learn something new or experience something new or see something new, just by letting ourselves push our boundaries a wee bit; by letting ourselves try something that we have never tried or do not have much faith in to begin with.
It is easy to practice appreciation when everything is pretty and peachy in your life. But the real test of allowing yourself to push the envelope comes when things are not hunky-dory.
It is when you feel like killing someone for what they have done to you or doing to you, when things don't fall in place, when your dreams are shattered by somebody else's ambition or treachery, when you are made to suffer for no fault of yours -when things happen in your life and you are justified in feeling all those feelings, that's when you practice appreciation, for that is the instrument that's going to turn your boat of misery.
It is difficult to practice, but I am learning. Everyday it gets a little easier. And everyday, I see that the light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger and brighter. I realise the more the I practice it the clearer the light is. The `narrow' light at the top is getting `broader' and brighter. And now THAT is a good thing.
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