I saw this man taking a nap in the hot sun on a mound of sand.
He was oblivious to the world around him.
It seemed apparent to me that he was one of the laborers from around that area.
He must have finished his duty otherwise he wouldn't be allowed to nap. In this part of the world you don't get paid for nothing.
I sat in my car watching him for a long time. I wasn't thinking any thoughts for a long time. And suddenly an irrelevant thought popped in my head. Would I sleep like that? Will I make myself vulnerable to the world, and just think of nothing other than getting my 40 winks and sleep in an open place like that?
Irrelevant indeed. Because I don't think I will ever be able to do that.
Over the years my observation has been that the lower middle class people have less inhibitions than the middle class. They don't care about what the world thinks of how they look, behave or their relationships and so many other things that the middle class concerns itself about -things that make the middle-class lives complicated and confused. The latter might ask a thousand times, what will the world think of me, before embarking on anything. IMAGE is of primary concern to the middle class. But I find that's not the case with the lower middle class.
Is it because they are so busy trying to survive that they do not pay attention to trivial issues such as what the world thinks about them?
Hmmm...am pondering
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