They really don't have to fly.
Technically, they can get their food even on foot, they really don't have to wake up each morning, flap their wings and fly up in the sky.
Yet they do it.
Morning after morning.
Not because they have to
But because they like to.
Because it is what they are meant to.
They don't struggle and ponder over: What is the purpose of my life? What am I supposed to do in life? What am I MEANT to do in life?
They instinctively know.
They know that what gives them IMMENSE joy is what they were supposed to do in life. That is the sign of their calling in life.
We humans have the same instincts.
But somehow we fail those instincts time and again.
Yes WE fail them. By not listening.
So we sit and ponder over: What is the purpose of my life? What am I supposed to do in life? What am I MEANT to do in life?
We somehow don't believe that what gives us joy is what we are supposed to do in life....
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