To me, this is a poignant pic.
It is a lesson in life.
The pic is of a father by the coffin of his 10-year old son, Aaditya.
Aadi, was my neighbor. He suffered from NPC, a disease for which there is still no cure. (But, I know there will in the future)
I had written about Aadi and NPC, often (see the link below).
He was a gregarious child who spent the last few years on bed, unable to talk, walk or even eat.
Many a times, I have wondered, why did he come into this world. What was his purpose.
The same thought crossed my mind on the day of Aadi's funeral. What did he achieve in his short life. He had to discontinue his studies. He never really go out and play a sport. He liked watching cartoons, and towards the end he was not able to do even that. He enjoyed singing -his speech deteriorated slowly and one day he just stopped speaking. So, what did this little boy do in his life? Why did he come into this world? He spent only the initial years of his life smiling and running about and enjoying life as we expect a child to do. Then the rest of his life was spent in hospital rooms and on his bed at home. So, what was Aadi's life about?
This pic gave me the answer.
I know how the family has changed over the years because of Aadi. Oh, what strength, what courage, what dignity, what humanness and kindness....all because of Aadi....
So, it seems Aadi didn't come into this world to be a doctor (which is what he wanted to do. And his parents would've loved it to. Oh what the heck, his parents would've loved to just have him around till he turned 100)....Aadi's purpose was to transform the lives of his parents and sister and all those who came in contact with him, but just being Aadi...He was one of life's sweetest mysteries that I have encountered in my life.
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