This couple caught my attention immediately. And for obvious reasons.
They seemed like a nice couple, middle or upper middle class background, who believed in the concept of packaged tours once a year. (This is pure guess work and I could be way off the mark.)
They were having a good time -quietly.
It's their `henna-oranged-heads' that caught my eye.
Henna paste is used as a good conditioner and colorant for your hair. If you are Indian it would've been part of your grooming ritual. Something that has been handed down to you from your forefathers. Your mother used it, her mother did too and mother's mother's mother believed in it too. You get the picture.
The idea is if they all used it then there must be something good about it. And there is too.
So we follow it. Blindly. Whether we like it or not or believe in it or not or whether it looks good on us or not.
Henna is good on black hair. But it is not so good on grey hair. It turns white into orange. The result: Orange tops like these.
The point is not the orange heads. For all you know, this couple might love the look.
What got me thinking is this: Sometimes we forget to ask questions. Why am I doing what am I doing? Do I like what I am doing? Do I want to do it? Is what I am doing good for me and making me happy or suiting my needs?
Instead, we just do what we do simply because someone before us did it and reaped great benefits.
Sometimes, we fail to realise that what's good for the goose need not be good for the gander.
I believe the only way to chart our own course is by asking questions. I hope that I am never deprived of that luxury till the end.
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