You did not come forth to learn how to do nothing. You came forth because you are an expanding being wanting expansion - this is one of my favourite quotes.
This quote came to my mind in connection with this image. The tyres were a part of a game mostly used during team-building exercises.
The simple Tyre. What a beautiful example of expansion!
Many years ago it did not exist.
Then somebody found a little spark that became the genesis of what would later become this tyre.
Then it evolved and evolved and evolved.
Once it served its purpose, it was discarded.
That's when somebody found another use for the discarded Tyre.
And there evolved a game, which not only help people have fun, but also became part of management workshops, team building workshops etc.
The first person, in this line of expansion of the Tyre, wouldn't have, in his wildest dreams thought that his imagination would one day turn into a tool of learning and team building.
We are all clogs-in-this-big-wheel. And with each day, each generation, each thought, each action and each opposite reaction, each contrast, each like and dislike, we expand.
Oh, I wonder how this Universe will be 1000 years from now. I am sure it would be mesmerizing.
For some strange reason when I think of life on those lines, I find myself easily able to live with contrasts and opinions that are contradictory to mine. Because if we don't allow it how will we expand.
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