I have seen numerous photographs of spiders and spiderwebs. And most often than not they are all water-based images, meaning they were either taken immediately after the rains with beautiful water droplets dotting every rung of the web or something on those lines. Spider web and water are like sun and sand. Perfect match. And that is precisely why this little fella caught my attention. He was far away from even a drop of water. He seemed to be basking in the glorious sun. For all he cared he could've been in the Bahamas getting a sexy tan. I did not have a macro lens to capture him in detail. But capture the image, I must and I did. There was this little fella spread on all fours in the sun room of his web house, with rays of sunlight streaking through and beautiful blue sky with fluffy white clouds in the background. He had it all in the NOW. And he was happy. I was happy. Till the evil little one on my shoulder whispered -`Maybe you should take a photograph with beautiful water droplets on his web. That's how all the other photos are. That's how the rest of the world clicks a spider web. Have you ever seen a spider web in the sun, you can hardly see the web?" And I gave into the temptation to join the herd. Since rain seemed like many months away I decided to sprinkle some water on the web. I did it with a heavy hand. And right before my eyes the web collapsed. The little spider was stunned to flatness on the ground. Who would want to spoil my innocent moment of happiness, he seemed to be thinking. I am not being dramatic when I say I felt awful. I really did. I just destroyed the most beautiful image that was before me, that which I had no hand in creating.And for what? So that I can join the `be-like-others' bandwagon? Sometimes, it is best to tread your own path. And never ever disturb a spider enjoying his spot under the sun.
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