I saw both man and his friend take a walk in the hot afternoon sun. There was something about these two -as if they belonged together; as if there was a connection -almost a blood-tie between them.
I know one is human and the other a dog, yet they both seemed to resemble each other at many levels.
Both tall and lean, both seemed nearing the end of the road of life; somehow they both seemed lonely; both seemed to have lived a long life with many twists and turns. And they seemed to have been there for each other through the thick and thin of it all.
They seemed made for each other -perfect companions -the man and his dog.
Of course I could be all wrong and it might just be the case of my imagination on over drive...but somehow I still like the story. I believe -humans and dogs are made for each other so much so, if you live together long enough you even begin to resemble each other... :)
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