Some times a photograph tells me a story as I click it.
Some times a photograph tells me a story long after I have clicked it.
But it tells me a story, nevertheless!
This image belongs to the second category.
Every evening I check the pics that I have clicked and delete the ones which are no-good.
As I was about hit the delete button on this pic, something caught in the image caught my eye.
Something that made me tilt my head and see what the image
see what it was revealing to me
hear what it was saying to me.
Suddenly, a word popped out of the pic. LOVE
LOVE. That's what I found in this technically bad picture.
The minute I stopped berating myself over what a bad image I had clicked; or thinking what a nice image it would've been if only the people in the picture had stayed still, just long enough for me to get a stead shot.
The minute I shut out the analysis, the criticisms, the frustrations and disappointment of not clicking a perfect image -the minute I remained still- is when I was able to see LOVE in the image.
And I thought: How apt! It is the same in real life too! You can find love (or love finds you) the minute you shut out the noise outside and inside of you. Hmmm....
.ps: if you look carefully you will find two children, playing, all wrapped up in pure innocent love.
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