You can always pick a newly-married from a crowd.
Glowing face. Smiling eyes. Flying feet. And there is a certain light that shines from within.
Happiness is written all over.
An happiness that is so contagious that even your face stretches into a smile, unconsciously, at this absolute but happy stranger.
And you say a small prayer for her joy to last forever.
Though there is a little voice in your head that whispers -`wake up you fool, that's not going to be the case'.
But some might prove the `evil-whisperer-in-your-head' wrong and get lucky. They have a joyful marriage, but the degree of happiness and its quality changes over a period of time.
Marriage and married couples are an enigma to me.
Sometimes when I hear about couples who have been happily married for 60 or 80 years I wonder, `Oh my God, that is a life time.'
I wonder, what is it like to be married to someone for more than half your life time?
To have a friend, a companion walk with you almost all your life?
To have someone who completes your sentences and thoughts and who knows your every move?
To spend day in and day out with one person who loves you and whom you love?
I guess it must be wonderful i.e. if there is enough love and laughter to fuel the marriage.
Otherwise........I dread to even think about it.
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