I love black and white and sepia tone photographs.
I love the Jane Austen era.
I love to read about Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun.
I love to recreate in my mind the times of Pazhassi Raja.
I love to fantasize about the sounds and melody of the Sangam Age.
I love to imagine a time when people walked instead of using a four wheeler with a gear box; tilled the land; woke up with the sun and went to bed when the sun went down; lived off the land; listened to the winds; and was one with the universe.
No I am not Amish.
And no, I do not abhor the world that I live in now. I love it. I love my gadgets and creature comforts.
But no matter how furiously I deny it I know it in my heart that my soul loves the time of yore.
I remember talking to a friend about life, after life, before life et al. This friend, who is a seeker of knowledge of the `beyond' said, "You are an old soul. You have been around for a long time."
Of course I spluttered coffee all over her trying to stop myself from laughing out loud. It didn't help!
I thought she had lost her marbles.
That was many years ago.
Today, I am asking myself - Could I be an old soul? Am I so addicted to the experience of living that I keep coming back for more? Is my fascination for `eons-ago' a residual feeling of many lives lived?
I don't know. But it is fun to imagine all these things and ask all these questions and try and figure out answers to all these questions. It beats ironing clothes and driving to work - any day!
As of now all I know is I like the innocence, the simplicity, and the uncomplicated nature of yore - or at least that's what it is in my mind. Hence, I see most of my subjects through sepia-tinted glasses - like this one. She is beautiful in color but she is so heart-warmingly-endearing in sepia.
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