From way back, when I was knee-high, my mother would always tell me, "Sudha, when someone is speaking to you look into their eyes. Always. And you will know."
My mother has always been a good judge of people. Not judgmental. Just a good judge.
An instinct that has stood her well time and again.
On the other hand, I have always been -well just say- very unlike my mother in this case.
As a result I have burnt my fingers, heart broken, have holes dug in my wallet as big as the ones in our ozone layer so on and so forth.
This in spite of my mother repeatedly warning me, "Look into their eyes and you will know the kind of person, he or she is. Eyes never lie. They reveal all- good, bad, ugly, evil, sadness, pain, trust, distrust, cunning, knowledge, innocence, ignorance, doubt, truth, lies, love, kindness....they tell you everything. So look carefully."
I would look. But for some strange reason, I would get distracted and the eyes would start telling me different things or rather I would see the things that I wanted to see and hear what I wanted to. And from there onwards it would usually be a trip downhill.
Well, anyways, over a period of time life has taught me to trust in the wisdom of those wise words.
So a few years back, I began cultivating a habit. Every year, on my birthday, I would wake up, go straight to the mirror and `SEE' myself. Clean face. Clear eyes. Clear mind. And I would see myself through my eyes. And they would clearly tell me what my life had been in the past year.
The thing about `knowing' is -the minute you `know' you have the `power' to choose your path and what you want to do with `that knowing'.
And I should say, till date those eyes of mine have hit bulls-eye every single time.
A couple of years ago I wasn't happy with what I saw -confusion, bitterness, frustration, loneliness and what not!
However, this morning, my eyes told me a different story about me. A story that I am quite happy about. A story that tells me I am on track.
I like it when eyes smile.