There is a different kind of beauty that you encounter at this time of the year. The trees are shedding leaves. Bare branches look like abstract art. The ground is carpeted with noisy dried leaves, which is like a melodious art form.
For the last few days, whenever I drive out of the parking lot of my apartment I see the ground covered with dried leaves.
When there is no breeze they remain still as if resting between performances. When there is a gentle breeze they kinda play a catch-me-if-you-can-game or indulge in an elegant ball room dance and go round and round in circles. And if you listen carefully you can hear the tinkling music made by leafy veins.
Finally, today I decided to get out of my car, go down on my knees and take this shot. And for a moment, just for a moment, they stood still to pose - or so it seems.
Somebody recently made an observation about my 365 day project: You seemed to have so much time on your hands to do this.
As I always say I have all the time in the world to do all the things that I want to do. (And if I don't do it in this lifetime I can always come back :)
So, it was very easy to find the time to take this shot in a day that saw me on the road for 4 hours to meet a difficult client then drive back all the way to the other end of town for another client meeting. In between the two meetings there were umpteen errands to run, calls to attend, and a life to live.
Bottom line - I make time to be happy. That is my priority.
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